Support Group Addressing Women’s Health Forming in January

Honesdale, PA (December 16, 2019) —”When women support each other, incredible things happen.” This popular quote, author unknown, is the driving force behind a new peer support group being launched by the Women’s Health Center, part of Wayne Memorial Community Health Centers. The group, called Stronger Together – Women Supporting Each Other Across the Lifespan, will meet informally to share personal experiences, coping strategies and firsthand information on a variety of health topics. A kick-off meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 28, at 6 p.m. in Wayne Memorial Hospital’s David Katz Conference Room. All women age 18 and older are welcome to attend. The free support group will continue to meet the last Tuesday of each month.

Certified Nurse-Midwife Christina MacDowell, DNP, said women in the community motivated her to start the group. “They voiced a need to share their own health experiences and concerns that can impact any woman – both positively and negatively– throughout their lifespan.” MacDowell added that many people perceive midwives providing only labor and delivery care, but in fact they support women through all stages of their lives.

Stronger Together will focus on the unique – yet common – challenges many women face, continued MacDowell.  February 25th’s session will examine Depression and Coping Skills. Nutrition will be the concentration on March 31.

The kick-off meeting will introduce the support group and its mission. “We will develop  group norms together to support all individuals present,” said MacDowell, “and the meeting will end with a guided imagery relaxation session.”

Neither registration nor regular membership is required to attend. In case of inclement weather, the January 28th meeting will be postponed until February 25th.  The Wayne Highlands School District snow policy will be followed.

For information about Stronger Together, call the Women’s Health Center, part of Wayne Memorial Community Health Centers, at 570-253-3005.

Photo: Planning for the January 28th Kick Off Meeting of Stronger Together are Women’s Health Center staffers who are part of the support group’s Development Team. Shown, left to right, are Barbara Manzione, RN; Kara Poremba, RN, practice manager; Kiersten Jaggars, LPN; Christina MacDowell, DNP, CNM, group facilitator; Heidi Mosher, RN; Stacy Mansfield, MA; Patricia Konzman, CNM, and Kelsey Madden, CRNP.