COVID Vaccine Dose 3

Third doses of COVID vaccines are given to the immune compromised.


Examples of immune compromised qualifying conditions include: active cancer treatment, organ transplant, stem cell transplant, primary immunodeficiency, untreated HIV,  medication treatments which suppress immune response. Click on this link for further  info visit – Third Dose

It is recommended that a third dose of the same vaccine initially received be repeated – e.g. if you received the Moderna for your first and second doses, you should receive Moderna as a third dose.

Third doses can be received as early as 28 days after your second dose. 


Moderna only:



Waymart FHC                                             1pm – 3pm             570-647-0523



Carbondale FHC                                         1pm-4pm                  570-282-2031

Honesdale FHC                                           8am – 12pm            570-251-6672

Forest City FHC                                          1pm – 4pm              570-785-3194

Pinnacle FHC                                              10am – 12pm          570-226-2151

Pike FHC                                                     1pm – 3pm              570-775-7100



Northern Wayne, Lake Como                   11am – 2pm              570-798-2828

Hamlin FHC                                              3pm – 5pm                570-689-9965


Moderna & Pfizer:


Highland Physicians FHC                         9am – 3pm                570-251-6500